Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Joy's of being in the singles ward

Last night my branch went to a dance up in Billings. This was the turnout.

But we put on our brave faces and spent a lot of time at the food table!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Getting Smarter?

Sometimes I wonder if I am getting smarter. I have more and more to do, and get less and less sleep! In art history on Tuesday, the teacher turned off the lights to look at slides and down I went. I tried to keep my eyes open, but the combination of the dark and my teacher's soothing (monotone) voice was too much for me to handle. And last night my friend, Jaymee, was using my notes to study for our test today. My mind must wonder in that class too, because I wrote the word "unofficial," but I spelled it "unaffishial." I must be going crazy! But I made up for falling asleep on Tuesday, by waking up early, eating breakfast, and imagining what it would have been like to live in Rome! I don't know what I will do about the spelling.

Monday, March 10, 2008

fruit of my labour

Here is my first finished painting! I am so proud!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I love Easter for a whole bunch of reasons! #1 I get to go home and see my family! #2 We get to celebrate our savior's resurrection. #3 I get to decorate eggs. #4 I get to eat them as deviled eggs. #5 My fabulous mother makes jello-jiggler eggs- which I also stuff myself with. And #6 these Little beauties! I guess I really like eggs! My wonderful roommate keeps getting them from Wal-mart and I can't stop eating them!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

runs in the family

Today was a wonderful day! I always love Sundays. We had Stake Conference and the whole room was filled. There were even a few in the back on the stage! This was unique to see because our branch has only 25 people who come regularly! Then we had a young adult fireside. Can you guess the topic? Marriage! Sister Beck did a great job. So later I was listening to my church music on my itunes, and the song Consider the Lillies came on. I was singing along to it and I sang, "He feeds the lambs in the sky." Ha ha ha. It reminded me of the time my awesome cousin Mike was singing in sacrament meeting and he sang those exact same words! No one noticed except me and my parents but we laughed so hard! So Mike you have left a huge impression on my mind! I love the Mike and Tami Weaver family!

I watch this when I want to laugh